HRM 300 Discussion questions
Week 1 – Discussion Questions
DQ #1:
What are the core functions of human resource management (HRM)? Which two functions do you believe to be the most important for human resource management? Explain your answer and provide a workplace example to support your response.
Your response should be at least 150words. Include references and citations in APA format (when applicable). Please note the majority of the DQ response should be your original thought.
DQ #2:
Evaluate how the HR department is perceived in your organization. What are specific ways that an HR department can influence the overall success of an organization? What must HR leadership’s role be, and how can HR ensure they have a “seat the table”?
Your response should be at least 150words. Include references and citations in APA format (when applicable). Please note the majority of the DQ response should be your original thought.
DQ # 3:
The business world has experienced numerous changes as a result of technology and globalization. It is important for the field of HRM to be prepared for these changes. In what ways have technology and globalization changed the work environment? Provide real workplace examples to support your answer, and explain the effects of these changes to HRM?
Your response should be at least 150words. Include references and citations in APA format (when applicable). Please note the majority of the DQ response should be your original thought.
Week 2 – Discussion Questions
DQ #1:
How can a business protect itself from discrimination charges? Review the fours tests (4/5ths rule, restricted policies, geographic comparisons, and the McDonnell-Douglas Test) discussed in Ch. 3 of Fundamentals of Human Resource Management. How could a human resource management (HRM) department use these tests to determine potential discriminatory practices? What considerations should be given when using these tests?
Your response should be at least 150 words. Include references and citations in APA format (when applicable). Please note the majority of the DQ response should be your original thought.
DQ #2:
Assume you are the human resources (HR) manager at Radical Music, Inc. The company has recently received a complaint of sexual harassment and is currently investigating the matter. The HR department has decided to create a sexual harassment policy to avoid such issues in the future. What should the policy include? How should the policy be implemented and enforced?
Your response should be at least 150words. Include references and citations in APA format (when applicable). Please note the majority of the DQ response should be your original thought.
DQ #3:
Do you think an employer has the right to monitor an employee’s computer? Find two journal articles with opposing viewpoints, summarize each article’s perspective, and share your own perspective. What principle should the HRM department communicate to ensure work efficiency while protecting employee privacy?
Your response should be at least 150words. Include references and citations in APA format (when applicable). Please note the majority of the DQ response should be your original thought.
DQ #4:
What are the pros and cons associated with drug testing? What is your opinion toward requiring drug testing for all new employees? For specific roles? Discuss the ethical and legal considerations associated with drug testing. Use laws or regulatory policies to support your opinion.
Your response should be at least 150words. Include references and citations in APA format (when applicable). Please note the majority of the DQ response should be your original thought.
Week 3 – Discussion Questions
DQ #1:
Ch. 5 of Fundamentals of Human Resource Management introduces six job analysis methods. Select two job analysis methods and for each method chosen, describe a situation where it is most appropriate to apply this method. What are advantages and disadvantages associated with each method you selected?
Your response should be at least 150words. Include references and citations in APA format (when applicable). Please note the majority of the DQ response should be your original thought.
DQ #2:
Many companies have begun to use social media in their recruitment process. This technological advance has compelling reasons for and against its use. Briefly list the compelling reasons for and against the use of social media in recruiting. What are the implications for candidates? For employers?
Your response should be at least 150words. Include references and citations in APA format (when applicable). Please note the majority of the DQ response should be your original thought.
DQ #3:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of employee referrals? Provide an overview of compelling reasons for and against hiring through employee referrals. As an employer, what other recruiting strategy might you utilize at your organization? Do you believe online company job boards/career sites are an effective recruiting strategy? Why or why not?
Your response should be at least 150words. Include references and citations in APA format (when applicable). Please note the majority of the DQ response should be your original thought.
DQ #4:
Employee selection methods introduced in Ch. 7 of Fundamentals of Human Development include applications, resumes, employment tests, interviews, background investigations, and medical or physical examinations. Which two selection methods do you feel are most useful are YOUR current organization? For each selection method chosen, discuss the reliability and validity of the method.
Your response should be at least 150words. Include references and citations in APA format (when applicable). Please note the majority of the DQ response should be your original thought.
Week 4 – Discussion Questions
DQ #1:
Common employee development methods include job rotation, job shadowing, “stretch” assignments, mentoring, courses and seminars, simulations, self-development, coaching, and others (as noted in your readings). Select two employee development methods, and describe a workplace situation in which each method is most beneficial (what makes each method effective?) in YOUR organization. Did you personally experience these two development methods? If yes, share an example of how each method helped you further your career.
Your response should be at least 150words. Include references and citations in APA format (when applicable). Please note the majority of the DQ response should be your original thought.
DQ #2:
What is an affinity group? How do affinity groups help organizations with diversity, inclusion and career development efforts? Find at least two organizations with affinity groups and compare the purpose these groups serve.
Your response should be at least 150words. Include references and citations in APA format (when applicable). Please note the majority of the DQ response should be your original thought.
DQ #3:
Organizations that recognize the importance of talent development have an established process for aligning their talent with strategy and process to create a high-performance organizational culture. How specifically can an organization define and create a high performance culture? What are some principles that other organizations can adopt?
Your response should be at least 150words. Include references and citations in APA format (when applicable). Please note the majority of the DQ response should be your original thought.
DQ #4:
The list below represents the most common professional development topics/workshops that organizations offer employees. (Select one topic.) As an HR professional, if you were to design a workshop around this topic, what specific skills, exercises, or discussions would you include? Does your organization currently offer training on these topics? How effective do you think their approach is?
– Managing conflict
– Giving and receiving feedback
– Managing your career and building your network
– Communicating effectively with different styles
– Managing distractions and maximizing your productivity
Your response should be at least 150words. Include references and citations in APA format (when applicable). Please note the majority of the DQ response should be your original thought.
Week 5 – Summary of Key Learning Insights
Your final discussion question (not required in this last week, but highly recommended) asks that you synthesize your key learnings over the last five weeks( 150 words). Reflect on everything you read, discussed in class, and challenged each other to consider. Briefly summarize what you found most valuable each week in this class – Human Resources Management.
Is there a related topic you would have liked to explore further? Where/how can you explore this topic?
How will you leverage what you learned in this class in your personal career development?