
June 24, 2019

Evaluate how each Industry attractiveness, Resource based view and Competitive advantage theoretical concepts influences strategic management practices in an organisation

Using an organisation that has been in the news in the past two years, apply and critically evaluate how each of the following theoretical concepts influences strategic management practices in that organisation. Provide recommendations that would enhance strategic management in your chosen organisation ;- 1.Industry attractiveness , 2.Resource based view […]
June 24, 2019

Common characteristics of the business environment of Sri Lanka

Country: Sri Lanka Investigate and identify at least five (5) of the most common characteristics of the business environment of that country. Relate to the characteristics found, to the personality traits of the inhabitants of that country; Take as a starting point the five dimensions of (OCEAN) discussed in the […]
June 24, 2019

Relate how motivation, ability, role perception, and situational factors influence individual behavior and individual work results in your selected organization

Prepare a 2-3 page, double spaced paper (or 1-1.5 single spaced) titled, “Organizational Behavior and the Individual”. Compose your paper in Microsoft Word. Format your paper and cite ALL sources according to APA guidelines. Include the following information in your paper: Relate how motivation, ability, role perception, and situational factors […]
June 24, 2019

Personal definition of effective decision making and problem solving.

Compose a 1-page paper single spaced (or two page paper double spaced) in Microsoft Word that addresses the following key items: Provides your personal definition of effective decision making and problem solving. Describes the most important steps involved with the decision making process and the process of problem solving. Include […]