
August 26, 2019

Is the Street Child Phenomenon Synonymous with Deviant Behavior?

Managing Deviant Careers and Identities 41. Is the Street Child Phenomenon Synonymous with Deviant Behavior?, Johann le Roux, Cheryl Sylvia Smith 42. Being Middle Eastern American: Identity Negotiation in the Context of the War on Terror, Amir Marvasti Transforming Deviance: Conceptions, Actors, and Organizations 43. Reform the Law: Decriminalization, Samuel […]
August 26, 2019

SARA problem solving process

Write a 500 word paper that explains four parts of the SARA problem solving process and whether or not you think it works. Defend your position.
August 26, 2019

Describe the 4 factors that may contribute to violent/and or aggressive behavior.

Students will write a 500 word APA foramtted paper that critiques Kohlberg’s stages of moral development. Describe the 4 factors that may contribute to violent/and or aggressive behavior. Discuss Lawrence Kohlberg’s six stages of morl development. Define the 5 areas of social adaption as discussed by Robert Merton (Conformity, Innovation, […]
August 26, 2019

What are some of the principles of justice theories?

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you discuss and explain the theory of justice. Address the following in your analysis: What are some of the principles of justice theories? Explain how the principles of these theories differ from traditional utilitarianism? How is justice defined by modern criminal justice […]
August 26, 2019

Executive summary on in-custody deaths.

You are tasked with producing an executive summary on the subject matter of in-custody deaths. Use essay format and APA referencing where needed 3 pages maximum. The summary should clearly articulate the connection between positional asphyxia, excited delirium and the adrenaline stress response. You are to use an example of […]
August 26, 2019

Summarize Becker’s four-step model of deviant careers as it relates to the cocaine sellers in the study by Murphy, et al.

Entering and Learning Deviant Cultures and Practices: The Building of Deviant Careers and Identities 37. Drifting into Dealing: Becoming a Cocaine Seller, Sheigla Murphy, Dan Waldorf, Craig Reinarman 38. Self-Control, Peer Relations, and Delinquency, Constance L. Chapple Deviant Careers and Identities: Some Additional Forms and Shapes—Peers, Gangs, and Organizations 39. […]