
September 28, 2019

Passenger and Cell Phone Conversations in Simulated Driving please answer to this 6 question. 1. Describe how well you think the sample of participants in this study generalizes to other groups of people. 2. In this study, participants were told to have a conversation about a time when “their lives were threatened.” Do you think that the […]
September 28, 2019

How to prevent stigma associated with mental illnesses in young Adults in Australia

Instructions to follow: • Review of literature (Preventing Stigma in Young Adults with Mental Illnesses in Australia) – peer reviewed journal articles and research studies that support your hypothesis/intervention, tools etc.- (10 references that was already used for the literature review) • Strategy or intervention proposed • Data collection tool(s) […]
September 28, 2019

ADHD, controversies, treatments, outcomes article review

For this assignment: 1. Choose one of the following topics: * ADHD, controversies, treatments, outcomes 2. Find an article on the topic you chose in a professional psychology journal. To find an appropriate article, you should use the library’s on-line search engine (such as EBSCO Host) and databases (such as […]
September 28, 2019

Observe and interview a child between the ages of 18 months and 12 years old.

Provide a description of the child (age, gender, ethnicity, etc.). Provide a description of the observation environment. Physical Development: Describe the child’s physical development. Determine whether the child’s physical development is above average, average, or below average. Give specific examples of how and why this was determined. Provide relevant support […]
September 28, 2019

Research on Two Historical Contributors in the Field of Psychology

Each paragraph 10 sentences + 2 citations 3 sections to the paper, do each section per person Howard Gardner (multi-intelligence)* + Hans Eysenck (intro-extro personality)* + APA 6th edition format All factual statements must be properly cited according to APA 6th edition You must cite peer-reviewed articles and books only […]
September 28, 2019

Distinguish between values, ethics, morals, and laws.

In 250 words, distinguish between values, ethics, morals, and laws. In what ways have you utilized these concepts in your professional and/or personal life? In an additional 250 words, define legal standards, scope of practice, and the statute of limitations. Provide an example of each. Include at least two scholarly […]