
February 11, 2019

In general, would you define Bernie Madoff’s clients as sophisticated or naive? Why?

Discussion Questions 1. In general, would you define Bernie Madoff’s clients as sophisticated or naive? Why? 2. Whether you described Bernie Madoff’s customers as naïve or sophisticated, what trait allowed his clients to become victims? 3. Why wasn’t the Bernie Madoff scheme caught earlier? Read the following articles or other related […]
February 11, 2019

How should the risks be prioritized?

Please answer the question, provide reference As the work of your risk management team (from the first discussion question) continues, the discussion of your team’s risk management plan outline moves on and considers the following questions: How should the risks be prioritized? Who should do the prioritization of the project […]
February 11, 2019

Discuss substantive ways in which armed conflict can contribute to or distract a developing economy and infrastructure

“War and Peace” Please respond to the following: Discuss substantive ways in which armed conflict can contribute to or distract a developing economy and infrastructure. Analyze specific reasons why developed nations do not experience the same kinds of social upheaval. This is just a discussion question of your opinion. Please give an example as well. No more than maybe 3 paragraphs. I am just not aloud to use Haiti, Rwanda, Sudan, Egypt, Iraq, Sierra Leone and Columbia I can only use (Middle East) Libya, Gaza, Lebanon (Africa) The central African Republic, Mozambique, Liberia, Zimbabwe (Latin America) Venezuela (East Asia, Southeast and Southwest Africa) Japan (after WWII), India and Pakistan after the 1971 war over Bangledesh, Vietnam (Europe) Germany (after WWII) Kosovo, Ukraine
February 11, 2019

What do you believe are the keys to success in the private equity industry?

Discussion Questions: What do you believe are the keys to success in the private equity industry? How would Carlyle define its business strategy? What current conditions in Carlyle’s external environment favor its success? What are the keys to Carlyle’s future startegic success given its impressive and stiffer competition?
February 11, 2019

Reviews of Sheen’s first show were reportedly quite bad, and Sheen was even booed. How would this news affect the market for Sheen tickets in other cities on his tour?

Answers and replies exceed the 3-sentence requirement. Answers and replies are thoughtful, thorough, and demonstrate a good understanding of the question or conversation under discussion, citing specific examples. Answers are clear and focused, citing more than two economic concepts that are relevant to the questions being addressed and the topic […]