
October 16, 2019

Ethnography of how people engage with each other at a bar

Write a short (3 page minimum) Ethnography of a bar, write about observing how people intaract with each other. Many couples were on their phone and not engaging in conversations. Tables with groups were talking more. Many people were on their phone but the ones that were on their phone […]
October 16, 2019

Transcribe and code a qualitative research interview

Pre-write a series of interview questions for a 10 minute (20 questions) interview. The interview should be as if you are interviewing a photographer for an article about the fashion photography industry , you will ask the question and then answer them. Then you will transcribe the interview Be sure […]
October 16, 2019

How citizen journalism in social media has changed the way people consume media.

For instance, during man-made disasters or natural disasters, people turn to social media to get latest updates from people who are on-site, as opposed to waiting for the mainstream news channels to collect and organize information before releasing them to the public. Sometimes, even news channels use footage or information […]
October 16, 2019

Opinion editorial that critically analyses the challenges with realising aspirations of the common good in your professional community

Write a 700 word opinion editorial that critically analyses the challenges with realising aspirations of the common good in your professional community locally and globally. Write 3 to 4 sentences each paragraph. Required text referencing and reference list. General Instructions: • Create an evocative and engaging Op-Ed that explains a […]
October 16, 2019

Alt-Right: Are Racists Mentally Ill? book review

Assignment is to read the PDF article posted on BlackBoard titled “Alt-Right: Are Racists Mentally Ill? and “Life Boat Ethics” by Garret Hardin” that can be found on pgs. 583-592 from our textbook and write a one-page summary of both readings. Remember to type your work and make sure the […]
October 16, 2019

Nietzsche’s Morality as Anti-Nature review

After reading Nietzsche’s Morality as Anti-Nature Your assignment is to create, after giving it some thought, 3-5 essential questions on the reading. What is an essential question? An essential question is – well, essential: important, vital, at the heart of the matter – the essence of the issue. Think of […]