
February 13, 2020

Evaluations of – “A Dream Deferred” by Langston Hughes

Reading Questions Answer the questions below on a separate document. Just copy and paste them into your own! 1. Quickly write down what you think a raisin in the sun looks like. How did it get there? What happens to it in the heat? Why? 2. What clues does this […]
February 13, 2020

What are the effects of water pollution on humans?

Write a five (5) paragraph essay that answers one of the research questions provided.-This essay should be typed. It should follow the APA formatting guidelines.-It should have a separate reference page that follows the correct APA formatting. -It should answer the research question.-It should be developed with concrete ideas.-It should […]
February 14, 2020

Write a paper on a literary topic related to Fahrenheit 451

You are to write a paper on a literary topic related to Fahrenheit 451. Begin reading the novel on the first day of class and complete reading by midterm. Do not wait until the final days of class to write your research paper. Think about questions like this: *Does the […]
February 14, 2020

Mississinewa 1812 War discussion

Description of the entire event that explains why it is there and what the significance of the battle being reenacted was, both to the war of 1812 and to the region’s history. Please don’t cut and paste this directly from the event’s web page. I have already read that and […]
February 14, 2020

Identify innovative contributions by women in the arts at the end of the 19th century through the modern period.

Discuss the persistence of gender ideology promoted in the “Victorian ideal” and its impact on women’s creativity. 3. Analyze ways women’s creativity was additionally marginalized by race, ethnicity, and/or class. 4. In addition, you will add (embed) multimedia to your paper to enhance our experience of women creating culture. Introduction […]