
February 20, 2020

Write about a time when you tried to convince someone to do something

Respond the prompt below in no less than two paragraphs (250 words). In the first paragraph, describe the situation. In the second paragraph, tell the reader why or why not your efforts to convince were successful. 1. Write about a time when you tried to convince someone to do something. […]
February 20, 2020

Why does telling one lie require telling more lies?

Analysis and Argument: Your essay must argue from the position of your thesis. Read “The Truth About Lying” by Judith Viorst on p. 637. Develop an essay from question # 3 on p. 644. Argue that the telling of one lie requires the telling of more lies or the opposite. […]
February 20, 2020

Immanuel Kant, “What Is Enlightenment?”

Proposal Choose a topic based on the material from the course, and propose an argument for your essay. You should focus carefully on the text you’ve chosen and relate the material to other works that we have discussed in class. Remember to keep your topic narrow, and take a definite, […]
February 20, 2020

Reading Response for Donna Kain & Elizabeth Wardle

Read Donna Kain & Elizabeth Wardle, “Activity Theory: An Introduction for the Writing Classroom” Writing About Writing pp. 395-406 Explain in your own words what an activity system is, then explain the motives, tools, and goals for two systems which you are familiar with.
February 20, 2020

Analyze the cultural relationship between any two characters in Jhumpa Lahiri’s short story, “The Third and Final Continent.”

Write a 3 page paper on the following: Analyze the cultural relationship between any two characters in Jhumpa Lahiri’s short story, “The Third and Final Continent.” Pay particular attention to the imagery Lahiri uses to delineate the characters, and pay particular attention to what Lahiri portrays as cultural differences and […]