
May 27, 2019

State and explain Locke’s argument that we are not substances or mere souls

State and explain Locke’s concept of personal identity and its relation to what he calls self, consciousness and punishment. State and explain Reid’s criticism of Locke’s theory of personal identity Is Reid’s objection a good one? Discuss #Use a 12-point font, and double-space the lines except the space between paragraphs.
May 27, 2019

The Impossibility Of Local Skepticism

Your discussion notes should be about 300-400 words, which is about 1-page (double-spaced). – It will not be sufficient to merely flag or state your points of interest or confusion. Rather, you will have to develop your thinking to some reasonable degree. You should contextualize your points, giving sufficient background […]
May 27, 2019

Abortion Contemporary Moral Issue Of Personal Health

Choose a contemporary moral issue in any society and apply cultural relativism to approve this moral issue. Apply this cultural relativism claims to back up your arguments. The paper must be done in MLA format with a minimun 500 words ( quotes are not included in the words count).
May 27, 2019

Five strategies for teaching word recognition and print concepts to elementary students with language delays or disabilities.

When teaching students to recognize words in print, teachers can use a variety of activities before, during, and after reading to help students understand words, word meanings, and how words go together. Utilizing appropriate strategies that incorporate print concepts will help increase students’ word recognition skills. Use the “Recognizing Words […]
May 27, 2019

Julian of Norwich – Sacred Femininity Discussion

Julian of Norwich, author of the first English language work by a woman (to our knowledge), is important to the Catholic Church–she was even made a saint within this faith tradition. She is often pointed to as one of the earliest female leaders in the Catholic Church and study of […]
May 27, 2019

Nike Practical Wisdom Case Study Paper

Using the vocabulary and principles found in Practical Wisdom, do an analysis of Nike using the chapter from Everybody’s Business. Make sure that your points are clear and supported with examples. Generalized statements will not count as an analysis. Do not Google Aristotle and Nike and try to write a […]