
June 5, 2019

The Breakfast Club Movie

Instructions for paper: First, describe each of the 5 teen characters in the movie as an introductory paragraph. Second, describe two scenes in the movie that illustrate each of the ten topics listed below relating to prejudice and discrimination.Define the topic and then describe two scenes that illustrate the concept.You […]
June 5, 2019

The economic reforms and neo-liberal policies endorsed and required as conditions for lending by the International monetary fund (IMF) has stunted economic growth, increased poverty and inequality, and has overall been destructive for the developing world.

Essay MUST make the argument that the IMF has led to the above devastating effects in developing nations. MUST use the attached article by Joseph Stiglitz, but can use as many other scholarly articles as well. Rubric / Must have: 1. a clear thesis (5) 2. Introduction (10) 3. Topic […]
June 5, 2019

The Crisis Caravan Book Discussion

. What are the principal concerns Linda Polman raises in her book? 2. Why does she say “Aid organizations are businesses dressed up like Mother Teresa” (p. 177)? 3. What do journalists, the public, governments have to do to make humanitarian aid successful?
June 5, 2019

Whether or not cultural anthropology would be interested in this research topic: Excavating and analyzing pottery and animal bone fragments from a midden at a prehistoric Native American site in Southwestern Wyoming

Part 1: Research Topics and Subfields (10 points) For each research topic listed below, identify whether or not cultural anthropology would be interested in this research topic. Provide a brief (three-four sentences) summary to justify WHY it would or would not fall into cultural anthropology. [I recommend making sure your […]
June 5, 2019

Identify a Disney Princess and discuss the ways in which she has/has not evolved according to societal expectations and norms by applying the following quote from the author Maio

[Must reference at least one article from module & lecture notes.] “Even the more independent [princess] heroines- at heart, they all still identify with male authority instead of seeking their own empowerment. – Maio from “Disney’s Dolls.” *Note- to reference or to apply a quote means to provide evidence that […]