
June 13, 2019

Tactical and Strategic Initiatives of a Middle Eastern organization

Select a Middle Eastern organization and review its vision, mission, and strategy. Then, examine its approach to its organizational management and leadership related to strategies in areas of performance management in areas including, but not limited to, vision, mission, policies and procedures implemented and enacted in the organization.
June 13, 2019

How Sergeants Major can use positive psychology in general, and MRT specifically, to overcome leadership challenges in their units

Write a 5-7 page essay (not including cover and references page) explaining how Sergeants Major can use positive psychology in general, and MRT specifically, to overcome leadership challenges (sexual assault, domestic violence, substance abuse, etc) in their units. As senior leaders, Sergeants Major have a significant role in the climate […]
June 13, 2019

The importance of Employee Training and Development

Write a comprehensive final paper covering the main topics in the course, similar to a “grand” overview/major summary of what you have learned in the course. The main topics include: 1. Context for training A. Strategic training-organizational characteristics that influence training 2. Designing training A. Needs assessment B. Learning and […]
June 13, 2019

What are the issues in organizations that preclude or impede effective management?

Issues of concern -six area of focus 1) Purpose-performance mission-output 2) Legal -adhere to the law 3) Fraud, false reports, filings-“Paper” issues 4) Conflicts of interest, appearance of impropriety, nepotism, self-interest 5) Respect for person-discrimination, harassment, bullying 6) Respect for property-use, misuse, abuse What mechanisms can be implemented by management […]
June 13, 2019

Create a “Live Case” by experiencing the process of coaching

The purpose of the Case Assignment is to create a “Live Case” by experiencing the process of coaching. Because this case is designed around experiential learning, we can go beyond the conceptual knowledge covered in the reading materials to actual skills building. This requires putting what you are learning into […]