Explain the benefits and drawbacks of having the HRM processes in an organisation.
Purpose of this assignment
To develop an understanding of the principles of effective Human Resource Management. Students will learn the importance of training and development in building and extending the skills base of the organisation and ensuring it is relevant to the ever-changing business environment. This assignment will help them develop sufficient knowledge about the growing importance of becoming a flexible organisation with an equally flexible labour force and become familiar with techniques of job design and with different reward systems. |
Assignment Description
This Assignment covers the Learning outcomes LO1, LO2, LO3 and LO4.
Preparation guidelines
· The report should be grammatically correct and word processed. · The written report must be presented in a professional manner, with FORM 1, front page, contents page, page numbering, bibliography and annexes. · Use the Font as Arial size 11 and 1.5 line spacing. · Identify any references and Use the Harvard referencing system. · Complete the Form 1 page and sign the statement of authenticity. · You will pass the assignment only if you achieve all Pass criteria. Student must provide evidence that learning outcomes of the subject have been met. · Assignment will be checked for Plagiarism. Appropriate Actions may be taken as per College / Edexcel Plagiarism Policy. |
Good practice
· Make backup of your work in different media (hard disk, memory stick etc) to avoid distress for loss or damage of your original copy. · Make an extra hardcopy of your work submitted for your own reference or later use. |
TASK 1: Based on an organisation of your choice
You are an Intern in the Human Resource Department of an organisation which is going through restructuring as part of Organisation Change. You have been asked to make the necessary observations, research and review the Human Resource processes, its effectiveness, role and scope in the ongoing change process.
Your findings should include:
1. An overview of the organisation, with an explanation on the purpose of HR function and its key roles and responsibilities.
2. Explain the benefits and drawbacks of having the HRM processes in an organisation.
3. Corporate HR department have outlived their usefulness and are not there to help employees, but to keep the organisation from legal problems. Critically analyse.
TASK 2: Based on the organisation of Task 1 OR/AND external factors
1. Discuss the external environmental factors that directly affect the HRM process (STEEPLE analysis).
2. Investigate the different selection devices and analyse the findings of how each works best for different jobs.
3. Analyse the benefits and drawbacks of realistic job previews. Compare the same from the perspective the organisation and an employee.
4. Discuss the importance of learning and development. Summarise its benefits for an individual and to an organisation.
5. Discuss various types of Development and Training methods. Include findings of the cost and benefits attached with different training methods.
6. Analyse and evaluate the different types of performance appraisal methods.
7. Discuss contemporary issues in managing human resources.
8. Investigate the importance of maintaining good employee relations. Discuss with examples.
9. Should an employer have the right to choose employees without governmental interference? Discuss the legal environment of the HRM.
10. Research what a good resume should include.
11. Discuss the key behaviours associated with interviewing skills.
13. What are advantages and drawbacks of using social media in the recruiting process for:
a. An applicant and
b. An organisation
14. Is the use of social media in recruiting applicants a way to hire smarter or a lawsuit waiting to happen? Explain your position.
Submission Format for Task 1 & 2:
The submission is in the form of an individual report. This should be written in a concise, formal business style. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 2,500 – 3,000 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit. |
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria | |||||
Learning Outcome
Explain the purpose and scope of Human resource Management in terms of resourcing an organisation with talent and skills appropriate to fulfil business functions. |
P1 Explain the purpose and the functions of HRM, applicable to workforce planning and resourcing an organization.
P2 Explain the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection. |
M1 Assess how the functions of HRM can provide talent and skills appropriate to fulfil business objectives.
M2 Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection. |
D1 Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection, supported by specific examples.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the key elements of Human Resource Management in an organization
P3 Explain the benefits of different HRM practices within an organisation for both the employer and employee.
P4Evaluate the effectiveness of different HRM practices in terms of raising organisational profit and productivity |
M3 Explore the different methods used in HRM practices, providing specific examples to support evaluation within an organisational context |
D2 Critically evaluate HRM practices and application within an organisational context, using a range of specific examples |
Analyse internal and external factors that affect Human Resource Management decision-making, including employment legislation.
P5 Analyse the importance of employee relations in respect to influencing HRM decision-making
P6 Identify the key elements of employment legislation and the impact it has upon HRM decision-making. |
M4 Evaluate the key aspects of employee relations management and employment legislation that affect HRM decision-making in an organisational context
D3 Critically evaluate employee relations and the application of HRM practices that inform and influence decision-making in an organisational context | ||
Apply Human Resource Management practices in a work-related context |
P7 Illustrate the application of HRM practices in a work-related context, using specific examples |
M5 Provide a rationale for the application of specific HRM practices in a work-related context |
D3 Critically evaluate employee relations and the application of HRM practices that inform and influence decision-making in an organisational context. |