Based on your understanding of social CRM, describe an example you have recently seen in the market.
The purpose of this assignment is to examine your understanding of social CRM and how it can be a critical part of an Internet marketing strategy. Complete the following assignment:
- Read the Forbes article titled Is Google Getting into the Social CRM Business?
- Please respond to the following question, from the Discussion Questions on p. 314 of Chapter 11:
- Based on your understanding of social CRM, describe an example you have recently seen in the market.
- How is Google’s move to allow messaging among Google + users a move toward social CRM?
Your completed assignment should be at least 1 page. Plagiarism less than 20% and APA style.
Textbook reference:
Roberts, M. L., & Zahay, D. (2013, 2008). Internet Marketing: Intergrating ONline and
Offline Strategies, (3rd ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western.