Develop a detailed focus group discussion guide for the research described in the Akron case
1. Develop a detailed focus group discussion guide for the research described in the Akron case. There is a sample on page 668 of the textbook. Make sure to address and give careful thought to
a. What topics should be discussed in what order?
b. What pretasking exercises might be relevant?
c. What exercises might you use during the focus group?
2. Evaluate fully the use of the telephone as the method for the survey based on the guidelines in the textbook.
3. Evaluate in detail the questionnaire used for the telephone survey based on the criteria in the textbook. Make sure to discuss scale type, question wording, question number, topic order, transitions, and interviewer directions.
4. Interviewers screened potential participants for whether they were the health care decision maker in the household and whether children were in the household. Identify fully other criteria that might have been used for screening and offer detailed reasons for its inclusion or exclusion. Refer to concepts in the chapter.
5. Evaluate fully the sampling decisions based on guidelines in the textbook. Make sure to address in detail:
a. Was this an appropriate sample size?
b. What parameters might have been used in structuring this sample?