What are the various explanations for the dramatic increase in the rate of obesity beginning in the 1980s?
This discussion examines the obesity epidemic and how it began. “Newborns who are given drops of a solution of sucrose and water exhibit pleasure with their facial expressions. And the sweeter the solution the more they prefer it” (Kessler, 2009, p. 13). This discussion also includes an examination of the extent to which people are genetically programmed to crave sugar, fat, and salt or acquire a taste for them as a result of American culture and/or the Standard American Diet (SAD). Make sure you have read the Kessler text, Chapters 1 through 3, and watched the video: Nightline. The Brain and Food: Secrets of Your Mind (38:00 minutes). Answer the following questions:
•What are the various explanations for the dramatic increase in the rate of obesity beginning in the 1980s? Which explanation do you agree with the most, and why?
•Based on scientific evidence, to what extent do you think people are genetically programmed to crave sugar, fat, and salt or acquire a taste for them as a result of the American culture and/or the Standard American Diet (SAD)?
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