Quality Management in The Rose and Crown

Quality Management in The Rose and Crown

1. TABLE OF CONTENTS 2. GOOD INTRODUCTION 3. EXCELLENT BODY REPORT WITH DIAGRAMS 4. GOOD CONCLUSION 5. REFERENCES ALSO NOTE THAT ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED AND EXPLAIN, DEFINE AND DISCUSS, ACCESS AND EVALUATE ALL QUESTIONS WHERE NECESSARY AND WITH DIAGRAMS WHERE NECESSARY. Task 1: Report Scenario The Rose and Crown is an independent, 3 star, 100 bedroom hotel located on the outskirts of a city in the Midlands, with close links to the motorway. It attracts a mixture of mainly corporate guests during the week and leisure guests at the weekend. In recent years, sales in both markets have been decreasing and customer complaints have been rising. Staff morale is low and staff turnover is high and the hotel is finding it more and more difficult to recruit suitable employees. Staff complain about poor internal communication between departments, lack of career development, lack of consultation and involvement in decision making and lack of recognition or rewards. You are the Front of House Manager and the Owner has asked you to come up with some ideas on how to improve the situation. Due to declining revenue, there are insufficient funds available for product development. You believe improving quality is the solution and can be achieved with limited resources. Submit a brief report to the owners which will address the following: A Clear definitions of quality in terms of business and services provision (1.1) (WRITER SHOULD TALK ABOUT == Define quality: identifying customer needs and providing systems to meet/exceed expectations, notion of self-assessment to establish the current position of an organization). B Illustrate the role of quality control and quality assurance in inspection and assurance processes in the organization’s quality management (1.2) (WRITER SHOULD ALSO EXPLAIN == Inspection and assurance: mass production and mass inspection, the early years of quality control, quality systems and accreditation, the race for awards e g BS 5750, ISO 9002, EN 29000, EFQM, Qest, Charter mark, Citizen’s Charter, Investors in People, the middle years of quality assurance) C Discuss a range of approaches that can be taken to improve quality management (1.3). By identifying those approaches and applying them to find appropriate solutions, you will achieve M1. (WRITER SHOULD ALSO EXPLAIN == Approaches: the works of e g Deming, Juran, Feigenbaum, Crosby, Ishikawa; Quality planning, quality control and continuous quality improvement through teams and facilitators, measurements as an aid to rational decision making, self-assessment, costs and benefits of quality, communication channels, macro issues of theory and prescription) D Explain the similarities and differences between the different methods (1.4) (WRITER SHOULD ALSO EXPLAIN == Similarities and Differences: structures of schemes, applications, costs, implementation periods, use of documentation, application of standards, identification of actions required, assessment methodology, orientation towards customer/staff or organization, effectiveness as a means to improve service quality) Task 2: Information sheet for staff induction manual Scenario You have successfully prepared some training material for the operations of the front desk at your hotel and the Manager was pleased with the result. You have been requested by the management to prepare written information on customer service policy to be included in a staff induction training manual. Include details of the following in your information sheet. A A discussion of customer satisfaction (2.1) (WRITER SHOULD ALSO EXPLAIN == Customer satisfaction: the voice of the customer, customer needs and expectations, understanding the customer, responding to customer demand, meeting or exceeding expectations, value for money, added value and repeat custom) B Explain the meaning of continuous improvement (2.2) (WRITER SHOULD ALSO EXPLAIN == Continuous improvement: Seven process, from customer needs to customer needs and expectations, quality gaps, internal and external customers, moving quality into the service sector and its associated problems, the mature years of continuous quality improvement) C By using a process of continuous improvement, illustrate the type of added values to be gained (2.3) (WRITER SHOULD ALSO EXPLAIN== Added values: lower costs, reduced waste, saving time, reducing need for support activities, customer loyalty) D Describe the types of information made available to customers and the importance given to effective marketing (2.4). Provide evidence of convergent/lateral/creative thinking to achieve D3. (WRITER SHOULD ALSO EXPLAIN == improved customer information: opening times, location, price lists, promotional material, raising awareness, creating true image, targeting all groups, value for money)