When do people use mainstream Western biomedicine and when do they turn to other options?
This project takes you out into the field as a health researcher in medical pluralism. You are to do this by interviewing an individual about their ‘health’ strategies and pursuing the following lines of investigation: When do they use mainstream Western biomedicine and when do they turn to other options? Are there kinds of illnesses/health conditions that people see as ‘belonging’ to biomedicine, spiritual healing, non-western systems or alternative medicine? What do they see as valuable in biomedicine? What do they see as valuable in other healing systems? How important are ethnicity, gender, age and class in determining healing choices? What kinds of healing activities that they use take place in the private sphere (the home) and what take place in the public sphere (the hospital, the clinic, the doctor’s office)? What is ‘missing’ from the Western biomedical system that these people find elsewhere? What is seen as attractive or useful in biomedical systems of healing? Can you ascertain a process of ‘referral’ (either formal or informal) whereby prospective patients seek out alternative healing options? Introduction & Research Questions: This section should introduce your reader to the subject of your research project, setting your data in a broader context and touching on questions and themes presented in the first section of this handout. This portion of your report should also contain a clear statement of your project research questions and your thesis (main argument). (250-300 words) Results & Analysis: Give a general summary of your findings. How did the interview respond to your questions? Use scholarly analysis to probe more deeply into your results and to link them to the ideas laid on is the Project Description at the beginning of this handout. Does your research data suggest a pattern or model which helps explain how medical pluralism works? Does your interview data reflect issues and themes that arise in the scholarly literature – or does it take you beyond the literature? Do specific theoretical approaches or similar studies help you interpret your research? Be as creative and insightful as possible in this section. Remember to provide references for all ideas not your own. (This section should comprise the bulk of your paper.) Conclusions: What are the broad conclusions which you are able to draw from your project results and analysis? Do your conclusions contradict or support material covered in the course? Based on your conclusions, can you suggest future directions for research in this area? (250-300 words) References: A complete list of interviews undertaken and of published secondary sources consulted for your report must be submitted. Remember that you must reference all ideas and information that is not your own. Please the APA system of citation. (see attached pages.) Your list of references must include at least 8 articles or books that have clearly been used in the project report. make up answers from a breast cancer patient you “interviewed” I don’t need a transcription just answer the questions she says throughout the essay