How can a manager encourage teamwork and collaboration on her diverse team?

How can a manager encourage teamwork and collaboration on her diverse team?

Review the pictures on the attachments first. Then answer: How can this manager encourage teamwork and collaboration on her diverse team? (1 paragraph) The workforce is moving away from Affirmative Action and toward Affirming Diversity. Discuss the meaning of this statement. (1 paragraph) The greater number of primary differences between people, the more difficult it is to establish trust and mutual respect. List and discuss at least 3 types of diversity you have seen in your workplace that have caused problems and then for each provide a solution as to how this might be worked out to establish trust and mutual respect. (3 paragraphs) Diversity has the potential to enhance organizational performance, but it also poses potential problems in the workplace. List and discuss at least 3 benefits and 3 potential problems that you have seen which were created by diversity at work. (2 paragraphs) Explain the meaning of this statement, “The price tag for not helping employees learn to respect and value each other is enormous.” (1 paragraph) What is workforce diversity and how does it help your organization at work? (1 paragraph) Companies that see workforce diversity programs as “quick fix” events or one-day workshops often create greater, not less, divisiveness among workers. After researching this topic, suggest a detailed strategy for addressing training and development in workforce diversity that could be implemented at your place of work. (3 paragraphs)