Choose an event that took place in the U.S. in which police used force and caused the death of a person
Read about the event in three different sources, and also watch any video recordings of the even that have been released. Write about the incident, and be sure to include the following: 1. The name of the subject of the deadly force, and the day, time, and place where he/she was subjected to the force. 2. How many officers allegedly used the force against the person, the names of those officers, the type of force that was used, and how many officers allegedly used the force against the person 3. What was the cause of the initial encounter between the subject of the deadly force and the police? 4. What were the four goals of the police with respect to the person against whom the force was used, themselves, and the general public? (Ask me) 5. What are the facts that lead to the use of force? 6. What happened during the 10 seconds that immediately preceded the use of deadly force by police? 7. According to the account given by the officers involved, why did they use the amount of force that they used? 8. What, if anything could the officers have done differently, and still achieved each of their goals with respect to the subject of the deadly force, themselves and the general public. Be sure to mention each of the four goals that you mentioned in response to guideline #4. (Ask me) 9. What was the outcome of the deadly force? Were criminal charges brought against the officers? Were they indicted? Were they tried in a criminal court? If yes, what was the verdict? 10. Was a civil complaint filed for the violation of the civil or constitutional rights of the person against whom they used deadly physical force? If yes, By whom? What was the outcome of that lawsuit? 11. Do you believe the use of force by the police during this incident was ethical? Please evaluate the force used by applying the five factors that we discussed in class regarding whether the use of force was ethical. Be sure to address each and every factor to earn full credit for this guideline. 12. Don’t forget to write a conclusion 13. Cite at least three sources