The Death Penalty is the ultimate punishment.
Research Paper Research references may come from the World Wide Web, library, other textbooks, individuals currently employed or retired from the criminal justice system, and other valid resources. All research references must be listed with each assignment and presented in APA format. Research references must identify the specific web site from which information was obtained. Listing a generic web site is not acceptable such as Google, Wikipedia, etc. Five points are deducted when research references are not appropriately listed. Research is required for every Discussion and Dropbox assignment after the first week of class, and a minimum of two references are required for each. Topic: The Death Penalty is the ultimate punishment. Is the death penalty a deterrent? Should executions be performed in public? Discuss the pros and cons of the death penalty. Explain your answer in detail and incorporate information from your readings along with any other information you have located on the web. Support your findings with citations and references from your readings and web-based research. Submit by the Date posted at the dropbox. Keep in Mind • This is a formal research paper and you should use APA to complete the assignment. • It must be prepared in MS Word. • Support your findings with citations and references from your research and web-based research. • The paper should be at least 8 pages double spaced and you should provide at least five (5) sources of research: two (2) must be from peer-reviewed academic journals. • All work must be your own unless properly cited. • Do not use the textbook or unreliable web sources such as Wikipedia as a resource. Research paper must be prepared in MS Word, double spaced and properly cited and referenced in APA format. The paper must include a title page, reference page and a minimum of 8 pages of meaningful discussion. Students are not to write in first person. The paper must include a minimum of 5 references (with citations) and two of those must be from peer-reviewed academic journals. Research paper must be prepared in MS Word, double-spaced and be properly cited and referenced in APA format. The paper must include a title page, reference page and a minimum of 8 pages of meaningful discussion. Students are not to write in first person. The paper must include a minimum of 5 references (with citations) and two of those must be from peer-reviewed academic journals. Note: All writing assignments must be prepared in MS Word and be properly submitted through the Dropbox utility. No emailed papers will be accepted. Furthermore, “Turnitin” will evaluate all papers for originality. Should the instructor deem the “Originality Index” too high, the paper may not be accepted. Therefore, students must turn in original work and any material taken from outside sources must be properly cited. Also note, any papers for which there is evidence that they have been “recycled” will not be accepted. Recycled means previously written for and submitted in this class or any other class by the student or anyone else. Allen, Harry E. (2013). Corrections in America: an Introduction (2nd Custom Edition for Columbia College). Pearson. [ISBN-978-1-256-87612-0]