Short Story Analysis – Hidden Symbolism in The Lottery

Short Story Analysis – Hidden Symbolism in The Lottery

This essay must include:  Your thesis, based on your particular reading and analysis of the text.  Supporting examples from the text of the work itself (the primary source).  Supporting or contradictory ideas from secondary sources (scholarly, peer-reviewed articles).  Discussion and integration of the ideas found in your secondary sources.  MLA-formatted in-text, parenthetical citations and a Works Cited page. Format: All written assignments must:  Be typed, double spaced, aligned to the left margin  Have 1-inch margins on all four sides  Be in Times New Roman (12-point) or Arial (11-point) font  Be stapled in the upper left-hand corner  Not include cover sheets, folders, or report covers  Include all prewriting, research notes, and previous drafts with the final draft  Include the student’s last name and the page number as a header at the top-right of each page  Include the following MLA-formatted heading at the top left of the paper: Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Number and Title Date (in inverted format) Length:  4 pages, typed, double spaced, following the above rules for MLA format (plus a Works Cited page)