Design a memory program or a set of tips, tricks, and guidelines that you could provide an individual such as an older adult, that may be reporting memory problems

Design a memory program or a set of tips, tricks, and guidelines that you could provide an individual such as an older adult, that may be reporting memory problems

Both memory and attentional processes tend to decline as a result of normal healthy aging. Design a memory program or a set of tips, tricks, and guidelines that you could provide an individual such as an older adult, that may be reporting memory problems. When designing this program, try to think about all stages of memory to make a comprehensive program. What techniques could you employ that would improve memory at each one of these stages to maximize performance? In addition, what memory mnemonics might you include to improve memory and what kinds of materials might they be useful to help remember (e.g., phone numbers, medications, appointments, names of new acquaintances, etc.)? Describe your training program, the stages each of your recommendations addresses, and why this program will be successful in boosting memory.