Critical Thinking Self-Assessment
Instructions Write a response of 250+ words that addresses each of the following prompts. 1. Take some time reviewing the different verbs on the “Visual for Bloom’s Taxonomy” and the “List of Essential Academic Words.” Bloom’s Taxonomy organizes the various skills and abilities associated with thinking into higher-order and lower-order skills. Which of these skills are humans uniquely good at, and which can be done more efficiently by computers? Try to find as many of the ten words from the “List of Essential Academic Words” on the “Visual for Bloom’s Taxonomy” as you can. Do these academic tasks generally require higher-order, lower-order thinking, or some combination of both? 2. Consider the skills described by the World Economic Forum and the Institute for the Future as being most important for careers in the near future. Then, imagine you are preparing for a job interview (where it’s possible you might be asked to speak to these skills!) and offer a brief response to the following questions: Which skills do you feel are your strongest? How do you know? Please provide at least one specific example. Which skills do you feel are your weakest? How do you know? Please provide at least one specific example. 3. Please watch the three TED talks I posted and then craft a thoughtful and thorough response in which you consider how each of these speakers addresses (challenges, confirms, supports, or extends) your own ideas, worries, or dreams about what it means to work, learn, and live? Use specific references (quotes or paraphrases) to each of the talks! 4. What’s one thing you might actually think about or do differently in the future as a result of this week’s activities? Visual for Bloom’s Taxonomy (Fractus Learning) File “The A-List: Essential Academic Words” (Jim Burke) File Visual for Bloom’s Taxonomy (Fractus Learning) File “The A-List: Essential Academic Words” (Jim Burke) File “The Top 10 Skills You Need to Thrive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution” (World Economic Forum) URL Future Work Skills 2020 (Institute for the Future) URL “What Makes Us Feel Good About Work?” TED Talk (Dan Ariely) URL “Why the Best Hire May Not Have the Perfect Resume” TED Talk (Regina Hartley) URL “Should You Live for Your Resume or Your Eulogy?” TED Talk (David Brooks) URL Journal 2–Critical Thinking Self-Assessment Assignment