Explore some film as an interpretation of some biblical passage
You should identify all films – discussed in written work – according to title, director, and date of issue. Research This paper should be supported by research. Your movie interprets and, at least, check out reviews of your movie at imdb.com. On that site, click on “explore more,” on the right hand side. A list of choices will appear below, one of which is external reviews. Click on that and you will get links to a number of reviews. Always check the following review sites: Ebert; Berardinelli; FlickFilosopher; Moira (Richard Scheib); Decent Films; and Spirituality and Practice. You might also find your film or topic discussed at the Journal of Religion and Film, The Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, Biblical Interpretation, Relegere, etc. Citation Style (Chicago Manual of Style) A quick guide to referencing your paper can be found here (use the author-date style): http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html