Why is public opinion so important to the success of public relations?
For this Assignment, you will read an article about an industry that is facing a public relations situation. This article may be accessed through the Library:
Cary, B. (2015). “Agriculture must throttle up its public relations — and quickly.” Western Farm Press, 37(1), 4-4. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.libauth.purdueglobal.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=100227954&site=eds-live ISSN: 1525-1217 Accession Number: 100227954
Choose a product with which you are familiar and write a minimum 400-word APA style research paper on the following questions. Use the situation described in the article as the concept for your discussion about your product and its industry.
- Why is public opinion so important to the success of public relations?
- In how many different ways might public opinion affect the success of your product?
- What message position might you deliver that would positively affect public opinion about your product industry?