What factors are contributing to the intensity of today’s global competition, and how do they influence different marketing strategies?

What factors are contributing to the intensity of today’s global competition, and how do they influence different marketing strategies?

Intensity of Global Competition
1. What factors are contributing to the intensity of today’s global competition, and how do they influence different marketing strategies?
2.Consumerism vs. Environmentalism
Can an organization be focused on both consumerism and environmentalism at the same time? Explain.
Due Tuesday (question 3)The Expanding Market

Reading requirements

Review the Marketing Plan Outline.doc file (located in Module Information)
Read chapters 19 and 20 and Appendix 1.

Project 1 – due Wednesday to Turnitin

Throughout this module, students will work on developing a marketing plan for a product or service of their own choosing (e.g., software product, consumer product, service). The product or service may already exist, or it can be something invented by the student.

Students will complete the Introduction section of their marketing plan. This section summarizes the main goals of the plan.

It is also expected that the first page, after the title page, will contain a revision history of changes you’ve made as a result of instructor suggestions and any revisions you yourself might desire as a result of additional learning and an increased understanding of your project.

Students must follow the outline exactly, including the numbering scheme.