Role of women in the machine tool working during the world war II
Objectives: 1. Examine, in depth, one specific event, topic, or person in American History since 1877. 2. Research an area of US History from 1877 to present. 3. Produce a well written a term paper. Rationale: This term paper provides an opportunity for the student to examine, in depth, one specific event, topic, or person in American History since 1877. It will enable you to research an area of interest to you, define a specific subarea of particular interest for further research, and then present the results in a well-written term paper. General Requirements: 1. The paper will be approximately 1750 to 2000 words long. This translates into seven or eight double-spaced, typewritten or word-processed pages with margins approximately one inch on all sides. 2. The term paper must include at least THREE PRIMARY sources and FOUR SECONDARY sources. A primary source is something written by an individual who lived at the time and took part in the event that he or she is describing. Primary sources usually take the form of letters, diaries, journals, newspapers, government documents, and autobiographies. Secondary sources are books and articles written at a later time, usually by historians who were not participants in the event. No term paper will be accepted unless it contains the requisite number of primary and secondary sources 3. Footnotes are required in the term paper. Footnotes are mandatory for both direct quotations AND information you use from other sources. 4. An annotated bibliography is also required. The purpose of annotating your bibliography is to explain not only the contents of the source but also its value to you in preparing the paper.