Analyze the philosophical significance of the DREAM Act from the perspective of questions about ethics

Analyze the philosophical significance of the DREAM Act from the perspective of questions about ethics


Analyze the philosophical significance of the DREAM Act from the perspective of questions about ethics. Complete a one- to two-page analysis of the DREAM Act, using philosophical theories of ethics. This should be the perspective of one of the ethical theories (utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, and/or existentialism). Explain the specific theory. Be sure to include the following: – A thesis that clearly states your view on the issue and how ethics is being used to analyze the issue. – Facts, information, and perspectives from your sources that support your argument. – Facts, information, and arguments that challenge your perspective. Explain why they are ultimately unpersuasive. – Address counter-argument and explain relevant philosophical concepts and ideas and how they apply to the DREAM Act.