Historical analysis of Plagues and People by William McNeill

Historical analysis of Plagues and People by William McNeill

Expectations: The Analysis Essay is part critical book review and part thought and reflection. One thing you should not do is write up a blow by blow, chapter by chapter, of the book at hand. Instead, consider the book as a whole (just like watching a film from start to finish). What seem to be the major ideas of this book? why is it considered to be a major contribution to world history? is the book an example of “the history of the world” (“one damn thing after another”), or does it seem more like a world history that has more to say than simply “what happened”? I want to know what you think of this book so while you could so some outside research, I am really much more interested in what you have to say about it as the book reflects themes developed in the course. Should you read the book in the last week of class? I am leaving that entirely up to you. Just keep one thing in mind – this is not a research essay. Nor is it specially an academic book review. It bears repeating – I want to know what you think is so important about this book and how it may have changed your mind, or confirmed your opinions about World History.