An overview of their different promotional strategies, highlighting the marketing tools used to implement an integrated marketing strategy
Select an organization of your choice and carry out the following tasks. Conduct a research on the marketing and promotional strategies of the organization selected.
The report of the research assignment should be typed in Microsoft Word, font Times New Roman, size 12. Cover page should clearly indicate the names, student ID and section of all the group members.
Your Report should include the following:
1. Introduction
2. An overview of their different promotional strategies, highlighting the marketing tools used to implement an integrated marketing strategy. Summarize the role of promotion and marketing in the overall business.
3. Explain the risks and how to identify, prevent and plan for the risks associated with your promotional campaigns.
4. Design an integrated marketing communication strategy for the chosen company using a myriad of marketing tools such as advertising, public relations, direct marketing and internet marketing.
5. For the above chosen company, design an effective and creative marketing communication (print advertisement) on your own, for any one of its products. The advertisement can be to inform the consumers about a new product, persuade the consumers to buy or remind the consumers of the marketers offering. You can even create an advertisement for direct marketing.
6. Conclusion
Important Guidelines:
Please check the contents of the report for the following headings before submission:
- Cover Page(Clearly indicating all the group members name, their Ids, section numbers, the title of the assignment)
- Table of Contents
- Introduction( Introduction of the chosen organization, its markets and products)
- Overview of their different promotional strategies and the role of promotion and marketing in the overall business(Answer to question 2)
- Risks associated with your promotional campaigns(Answer to question 3)
- An Integrated Marketing Communication strategy for the chosen company(Answer to question 4)
- An effective and creative marketing communication (print advertisement)(Answer to question 5)
- Conclusion( Summarizing your report with your suggestions and recommendations)
- Bibliography