Do you think the egalitarian or non-egalitarian elements of the original U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are more historically significant?

Do you think the egalitarian or non-egalitarian elements of the original U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are more historically significant?

Write an essay that addresses one of the following questions. The maximum length is 1500 words (six standard pages). The paper is worth 16% of your final grade. Please use the “Writing History” manual that has been posted on the class website; you are expected to use the recommended guidelines for formatting, tense, quotations, and references (footnotes or endnotes). Please rely primarily or exclusively on assigned course readings; it is not necessary or encouraged to do additional research to complete this assignment. You are encouraged to make use of my office hours, email consultations, or scheduled appointments at other times to discuss your papers. For all of the paper options, you are expected to make an argument and support that argument with quotations and paraphrases from the relevant primary texts from the eighteenth century. In other words, I am asking you to rely primarily on textual analysis. Refer to specific passages and specific sections of the primary texts. You may also use secondary texts, but your main task is to analyze the primary texts. Since this is a short paper, you cannot address every possible issue; you should select the best illustrative examples.