OCTAVE MS Risk Management Approach / and project review
FIRST PART OCTAVE MS Risk Management Approach Provide a comparison of the OCTAVE Method of Risk Management to the Microsoft Risk Management Approach. Include which, in your opinion, provides a better framework to manage risk, but support your opinion with vetted references other than the course textbook. Prepare a 500- 600 to -word paper that fully discusses the topic questions Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. SECOND PART : Final Project Instructions In this Project Final you are to update, refine and combine the past seven weeks of Labs to create the Information Security Plan into final document. Remember that you are the Information Security Officer of Mahtmarg Manufacturing a small manufacturing company worth approximately $5 Million who provides fiber cable to local businesses, individual customers and to government organizations. You are creating the final Information Security Plan Statement of Purpose Security Management Models Prohibited Use Systems Management Violations of Policy Policy Review and Modification Limitations of Liability