What do you think Johann Hari means when he says everything you think you know about addiction is wrong?

 What do you think Johann Hari means when he says everything you think you know about addiction is wrong?

Discussion Part 2: 250 or more words:

Review the following TED Talks video on addiction and provide your response to the following questions:.

Hari, J. (2015, June). Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong. [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.ted.com/talks/johann_hari_everything_you_think_you_know_about_addiction_is_wrong

1.    What do you think Johann Hari means when he says everything you think you know about addiction is wrong?

2.    What is the importance of “bonding” and the impact that this can have on those who struggle with being present in their life?

3.    What positive societal (and individual) impact does Johann Hari suggest could happen if drugs are decriminalized?