What are the connections between globalization and plantation economies?
Write a 7 page long (exclusive of cover letter, title page and references page) essay on plantation economies and globalization. What are the connections between globalization and plantation economies? Who benefits the most from this relationship? What are the challenges for plantation economies in the 21st century? -Scheper-Huhges book “death without weeping” g is excellent example of the history and consequences of plantation economies. (attached) -Refer to my Power point‘Global system’. These trace the origins of the core and periphery nations relationship.(attached) -Have a relevant title -a total of 10 sources, -only two direct quotes of not more than two sentences each for this assignment. Avoid direct quotes if you can. – essay must be accompanied by a cover letter. -Use any citation format but use only one format through out the text. Use in-text- citation i.e in the body of the essay.