“Descartes “are you sure if you are dreaming or not” paper

“Descartes “are you sure if you are dreaming or not” paper

Philosophy paper on “Descartes “are you sure if you are dreaming or not”. with the following requirements: The point of this paper is for you to be the philosopher, in conversation with another philosopher or philosophical idea. Pick a specific argument, topic, or question as presented by a philosopher we read in class (Descartes “are you sure if you are dreaming or not), and engage that argument, assessing its strengths, weaknesses, and providing your thoughts on it. The argument to be assessed is not “topical.” Remember that there are no easy dismissals; not every philosopher we read is correct, but none of them can be brushed aside. While possibly citing Hume and van Inwagen’s essays, you would first state the question or problem in your own words (“How is it that humans have agency, despite being so clearly and deeply influenced by other factors?”), describe/assess Chisholm’s argument for agency, and then present your own thoughts on the subject, why you agreed or disagreed either as a Determinist, Compatibilist, or otherwise. Be sure to “ground” the first part of the paper (3 pages) with a summary of Descartes’s argument about this. He has specific arguments about why he is not sure whether or not he is dreaming. I’d want to see what those arguments are, and why specifically he thinks he cannot be sure. You could also then, if you like, show how Descartes “builds back” to knowledge of this sort, or thinks he does. I then want to see your assessment of Descartes’s argument. Do you agree with him, or not? Why not? If you agree, say why. If you don’t agree, you may want to make reference to the “holist” arguments for knowledge.