Ethical implications of Canada’s Medically Assisted Suicide Legislation

Ethical implications of Canada’s Medically Assisted Suicide Legislation

Paper should be 10-12 pages double spaced and must be in APA style. Choose a topic that involves a bioethical question relevant to Canadian society and Health Care. Eg you can review the new Medical Assistance in Dying legislation in Canada. Explore the ethical implications of the selected topic using 2-3 ethical theories; principlism and utilitarianism. Although culture and religion are always relevant factors, they do not constitute an ethical theory and cannot be used as one. Kohlberg’s stages of moral development may be referenced but also do not constitute an ethical theory. It is always best to frame your topic as a question to be answered. Conclude by taking a position on the topic you have raised. Do not be too broad in your topic selection for example “reproductive technologies” includes many technologies and would not be an appropriate topic.