The Philosophy of New Media: Thechnology
Proposed thesis: -Main claim for section 1 + proposed supporting evidence -Main claim for section 2 + proposed supporting evidence – Main claim for section 3 + proposed supporting evidence etc. So, my professor made some changes on my thesis outline and statement. My Section I will be “Benjamin’s concept of aura. (Need to include quotes from essay to support) Section II will be Universal Linking Section II will be Improving learning Section IV will be Publicize authors and their books: I would like you to review this section because Benjamin Walter also talks about artists which make paints, photographs, etc. I really invite you to give an eye to his essay and you will understand what I’m talking about. 2. Evaluation Rubric-“Persuasive Essay”: This will be the evaluation guide the professor will follow. Please read it carefully and follow it. 3. Sample Introduction for Persuasive Essay: On this sample introduction, our professor states that every sentence is stated for a purpose and they are following a specific path. Exactly that path she wants us to follow for our introduction. 4. “The Work of Art in the Age of its Technological Reproducibility” by Benjamin Walter. Third Version: This is the essay I will be focusing in on my thesis. So please read it so we can include textual evidence on the essay and make an argument against Benjamin Walter that an audience may agree with. Suggestions: You don’t need to follow to copy and paste the suggestions as stated here in my essay. I’m just trying to give some ideas that will help. As you read this must be a persuasive essay so please try to convince the audience with my thesis statement. You must guide the reader in the essay, as he was following a certain path to reach a location. Make it as simple as possible for the reader to understand and don’t doubt and get bored about it. For the introduction: In his essay “The Work of Art…”, Benjamin claims that mass media lead to the decline of aura. However, mass media also has a positive SOCIAL impact on the work of art (thesis statement) -Background on Evolution of Media Technology (mention media (TV, the Internet, movies, texting) Why Benjamin focuses too much on negative aspects of media? Benjamin’s Walter Essay was written a long time ago (1930-1940). Talk about the radio, magazines, films, photographs (mass media) was formed upon Benjamin. *Always relate back to Benjamin and the time of his publication *be specific in your wording ***You must keep in mind Benjamin will not necessarily disagree with these aspects I’m focusing in. So we must find a focus based on his essay on aspects he may disagree with. Comments: If you would like to change the sections because you read his essay and understood that Benjamin may not necessarily disagree with what I’m stating you can go ahead as long as you can make it persuasive for the audience. The format of this essay is MLA. When citing the first time you mention the author you must write the first and last name. After that will only be his last name. The page will always be on () without the “p” of the page, just the number page.