Conduct an in-depth analysis of the tourism development strategies for any destination of your choice.
You will research this destination and type up the analysis of your findings. Your paper should be at least three single-spaced pages and contain the required information: 1. General overview of the destination you chose; Include why you chose it and a basic summary of what makes it an interesting tourism destination. Include any noteworthy buildings, facilities, or other noteworthy locations within the destination that help contribute to the tourism industry. 2. Research the types of travelers/tourists that visit this destination. Include the types of travelers that visit this destination (pleasure, business, international, etc. and if possible, any information you find on SMERF or VFR travelers), percentages of pleasure vs. business and domestic vs. international visitors, and average hotel occupancy statistics. Much of this information can be found on a destination’s CVB website in their annual reports, or by Googling “DestinationName Visitor Statistics”. 3. Utilizing some of the information from Question #2, discuss the motivations for travelers to go to this destination. Why do they visit? What different ways can they get there (i.e. transportation infrastructure into this destination)? 4. Research and describe FIVE (5) major attractions/things to do within this destination. At least two (2) should be a local, state, or national park, natural attraction, or historical/heritage exhibit, and one (1) should be a festival or event. The remaining two can be attractions of your choice. 5. Discuss the food and bar scene of this destination. What options do travelers have for eating? Is this location “known” for a certain type of cuisine or beverage, and how does this contribute to the overall marketing strategy of the destination? 6. What lodging or overnight accommodation options exist for travelers to this destination? Comment on the placement of lodging options within the destination and why you believe hotel development was established in these locations. 7. Conduct a SWOT analysis of this destination, describing each component in depth, keeping in mind what you think the destination is doing really well in terms of tourism and how you think it could improve. (Hint: As part of your SWOT, you may want to consider discussing how the destination reacts to seasonal travel patterns, impacts on the local community and natural environment, competitors, marketing strategies, and if you can suggest anything for improvement). 8. Conclude your analysis with a general statement about what you learned about this destination via your project and/or what you learned from the class this semester.