Role of Science and Technology in the Context of International Security and Disarmament

Role of Science and Technology in the Context of International Security and Disarmament

The position papers are two 1-page, typed, single-spaced statements of your country’s position (netherlands) in regards to two aspects of the particular topic you are assigned to consider as part of whatever committee you will be serving on, or perhaps on two distinct topics, depending on your committee. These position papers will demonstrate 1) how well you have followed the outline presented in the Model United Nations Delegate Handbook, and 2) how concisely you can draw upon your research to lay out a hypothetical position which you believe the country you represent would adopt.

Topic B: Role of Science and Technology in the Context of International Security and Disarmament

The role of science and technology in the context of international security and disarmament was first on the agenda of the General Assembly First Committee in 1988, when it adopted A/RES/43/77(A). 5 At that time, increasing amounts of resources were being utilized to develop new and emerging weapon systems, which lead to uncertainty and insecurity throughout the international community.6 As modern technologies, such as satellites, drones, the Internet, and data analytics, including the use of big data, are actively or potentially being weaponized, discussions are occurring throughout the international community as to the feasibility of developing international standards or instruments to ensure that such technologies are contributing to peace processes and not to conflict. Emerging technologies have often played a part in confidence building, information sharing, and disarmament, but balancing its use in development and identifying how to ensure peaceful uses remains difficult. 7 At its most recent session, the General Assembly adopted A/RES/72/28, which called for the Secretary-General to submit a report on the subject to its next session and invited Member States to work to ensure that advancements in science and technology are being used for the purposes of disarmament, including verification, arms control and non-proliferation.8

This is a link to know how to prepare a position paper.

Some background information…

Some sources that you might use 2 3… 4 5 6… 7 8

I also attached steps on how to do it and a example of the position paper.

Please, provide 10 different sources. at least 7 articles.