Describe the social and legal controversy associated with your controversial treatment.

Describe the social and legal controversy associated with your controversial treatment.

Choose a controversial health care treatment option.(Bariatric surgery as a treatment option) Describe the treatment. Describe the social and legal controversy associated with your controversial treatment. Describe the evidence that supports the effectiveness of the controversial treatment. Describe the evidence that does not support the effectiveness of the controversial treatment. Compare and contrast the positive and negative benefits or harm of the controversial treatment. Compare and contrast positive and negative aspects of available traditional treatments. Compare and contrast the costs of the controversial treatment with the costs associated with traditional treatments Describe the required process for legislative change to occur in your state(Delaware). Describe strategies that you would you use at the local and state level to advocate for a legislative change in your state (Delaware)that would influence insurance coverage for this treatment. Provide an estimated timeline for your legislative change to occur. Use the steps described in the required process for legislative change for the state of Delaware . Conclusion