Information retrieval and evaluation by Nurses

Information retrieval and evaluation by Nurses

You will provide an overview of your topic in PowerPoint format. This can be an overview of the topic as a whole, or an overview of the article that you reviewed. Use the Rubric below for the specific formatting requirements of the presentation. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome PowerPoint Slideshow Design theme, color scheme, bullet style and size, font style and size are consistent throughout – 3pts At least 4 different slide layouts are utilized appropriately – 2pts 6 x 6 rule followed – 3pts Slides are easy to read – 2pts Appropriate use of custom animation – 2pts Appropriate use of clip art or image – 2pts Appropriate use of chart or SmartArt graphic – 2pts Slide transitions on all slides, 3 different transitions used – 2pts All aspects of assigned topic are thoroughly examined – 5 pts Presentation contains 10 slides with content pertaining to the assigned topic. Title and Reference slide are present. – 5pts File name includes learners last name – 1pt File is saved in PowerPoint 2007 or newer format – 1pt