Effects of prejudice on women in medieval period and Victorian period

Effects of prejudice on women in medieval period and Victorian period

Research essay parameters Value: 25% (electronic submission to Turnitin.com—link provided under Research Essay toggle on Moodle) ❖ Your paper can be on any topic related to the primary texts assigned in our course; your essay, however, must be argumentative in its impulse; that is, you must try and convince the reader of the validity of your thesis. ❖ Length: 7 pages in length, to be double-spaced on standard 8 1/2 by 11” white paper, typed in 12 pt. font (Times New Roman), and follow MLA citationand stylization. Therefore, you must have a title and a Works Cited page. Use the example provided in LSH pages 161-169. ❖ You must use at least *THREE* academic secondary sources. Further, *TWO* of your secondary sources should be peer reviewed academic articles (therefore, published by a university press, and/or written by an academic etc). Wikipedia, for example, is NOT an academic source. ❖ Your topic must be “grounded” by evidence; by this I mean that assertions must be supported. Your primary source is your first line of evidence. ❖ Remember, the sources should be included to support or refute (contrast) your claim and NOT to ‘pad’ your paper. In other words, I want to hear what you think. ❖ Be certain to cast your essay in an objective, analytical tone; therefore, you should avoid use of first person (the “I”).