Appropriate language and effective communication in law enforcement in the modern age

Appropriate language and effective communication in law enforcement in the modern age

Essay (Draft 10%, Final Draft 40%) A working, articulate draft of at least five full, double-spaced pages will be due week six, and should include the sources you’re working with. Your final paper (due week eight) will be 2,400 to 3,000 (8-10 pages) and it will make use of five sources, at least three of which will be substantial academic articles either from our course or that you found yourself. The other three can be nonacademic, but they have to be significant articles, books, films, etc. about your subject (ie, you can cite the dictionary, but it won’t count as one of your sources). You’ll choose one of these three (broad) subjects and write a tightly focused paper with a strong, clear thesis that identifies a problem or issue and makes a claim/argument: 1. A personal history of your experience with academic writing in light of what you’ve read and discussed in this course; include specific examples from previous papers you’ve written 2. The limits and possibilities of academic writing, in light of what you’ve read and discussed in this course 3. Issues relating to language and communication in your chosen field, in light of what you’ve read and discussed in this course