Web Tour Thailand
This week we are going to do a web tour of your chosen state. (THAILAND) This means choosing 5 reliable websites that tell us something important about the development of your state and explaining them. Note that this is a not a tourist tour, but one that highlights the important developmental aspects of your state- if you choose a link related to tourism in your state, you must discuss how it effects development.
For this forum, create a 5 entry web tour on the state you chose to focus on for this class; include on link that relates to religion and how it affects the country’s development in some way. The idea here is to provide a virtual tour on development in your state. Discuss each link and why you chose it. Be sure to provide the link for each site.
Please use reputable sources. Please do not link to articles in the online library because they do not tend to work when students click on them. Instead use embassy websites, mainstream news sources, videos and governmental pages like the Department of State, etc.
Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 350 words. Please respond to at least 2 other students and at least one question. Responses should be a minimum of 150 words and include direct questions and citations. If you do not respond to my questions, or without valid reasons, if you miss the posting deadlines, your points will be deducted.