Discuss how errors in care affect healthcare organizations in the context of the challenges currently facing hospitals both to provide the standards of care and to keep patients safe from harm, negligence, and errors in care

Discuss how errors in care affect healthcare organizations in the context of the challenges currently facing hospitals both to provide the standards of care and to keep patients safe from harm, negligence, and errors in care

Review the following:

  • Standards of care in the Emergency Room: Waiting Times
  • Quaid vs. Baxter healthcare Corporation
  • To Err is Human, Building a Safer Healthcare System
  • Errors in Healthcare, a leading cause of death and injury
  • To Err is Human, to Delay may be Deadly

Then write a 2-4 page essay discussing how errors in care affect healthcare organizations in the context of the challenges currently facing hospitals both to provide the standards of care and to keep patients safe from harm, negligence, and errors in care. Discuss your answers in the context of a “position paper” regarding the major points of the Darling and Quaid cases.

Requirements for the essay:

  • Must be completed in APA format.
  • Must be at least 2 double spaced pages; maximum page length 4 double spaced pages (2-4 double spaced pages).
  • Must be completed in a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file

Refer to the attached rubric for grading specifics.