How Video Games Help To Relax Our Minds?
For this extra credit assignment, you are to complete a document of 1000 words in length that summarizes and responds to Professor Paolo Pedercini’s lecture on March 12, 2019 in class.
Please spend approximately 500 words summarizing his key ideas. Be sure to be specific, and identify key points.
Spend the remaining 500 words responding to Professor Pedercini’s concepts, providing your opinion on the basis of his discussion.
Your assignment will be graded on the specificity of your response, and your ability to draw out and correctly describe key ideas, as well as your ability to thoughtfully respond to those ideas.
**A note regarding grading:
If the response meets the professor’s expectations, full credit will be awarded; if it does not, NO credit will be awarded. There will be NO partial credit. Extra credit, if awarded, will raise the student course grade 5 percentage points, which is typically equal to a half letter grade. [For example, a final course grade of “B+” will be raised to “A-“] You will be graded on the clarity of your essay, your ability to identify key ideas, and your ability to illustrate your opinion with support from the lecture.