A thorough analysis of the exchange traded fund (ETF) industry
The project will basically consist of two parts. The first is a review of what has already been written about ETFs, both in the popular press and in the academic literature. The second is a data analysis component for which you will need to collect data on ETFs and do some analysis of the data. Your final product should attempt to answer the following (in no particular order): What is the objective of ETFs -From the investor’s point of view -From the manager’s point of view Overview of the ETF market -Who are the big players -What type of investment strategies are implemented by ETFs -What fees do ETFs charge -Where do ETFs trade (what exchanges) A history of the ETF industry -When/why/by who were the initial ETFs created -How has the industry evolved since its inception -History of total assets under management by ETFs. -Discuss any important changes through time Operational/Institutional Aspects of ETFs -What determines the trading of ETFs -How are ETF shares created -How are ETF shares destroyed/redeemed How should investors use ETFs -Within the grand scheme of a total investment portfolio -Are certain ETFs better than other ETFs? -Risk/return analysis of individual ETFs and ETF industry as a whole (and by sector). The effect of ETF trading on the overall stock market -Correlated traded -Predictable trading There are many other things that we could try to answer, but I think this is a good starting point. I’ve attached an article written by Bob Whaley and his co-author. I saw Bob Whaley talk about this issue not too long ago. I find it particularly interesting. The reasons I’m sending it to you are: 1) it may provide a brief introduction to ETFs. 2) it may give some insight into how ETFs operate, 3) it provide citations to other academic articles written on ETFs.