Activities that older adults can do to improve their physical, social, and cognitive well-being.
This assignment centers on discussing activities that older adults can do to improve their physical, social, and cognitive well-being. Chapters 17 and 18 of your text discuss the various issues surrounding the physical, cognitive, and social well-being of older adults. Discuss at least one activity that an older adult can engage in that will help to sustain/improve/enhance his/her physical, cognitive, and social well-being. At least one activity must be discussed for EACH aspect of well-being. NOTE: Your response must be written in your own words; however if you use information from the text and/or other sources to support your response, the page number(s) MUST be cited from the text, and if using other sources, the link(s), page numbers, etc MUST be cited. This response must be 150-200 words (NO MORE THAN 200 WORDS!),