Alternative paths and Modern Search
These should incorporate your previous thoughts as well as your thoughts after completing the readings and talking with your classmates. Once you have done so, it should be fairly easy for you to react to the learnings. Some weeks, you might say these readings did not make you see religion differently, but I suspect many will help you evolve a new or growing opinion of divinity and religious doctrine.This should be fairly easy to do, as these are topics that should encourage reflection! •All should be completed fully and on time. See Rubric for grade breakdown. GOD Journal (Canvas) GOD Journal (Canvas) Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Content 15.0 to >14.0 pts Superior Superior work, you really “wowwed” me. Application to your life displayed. Showed true insight & thought. Innovative. 14.0 to >13.0 pts Excellent Excellent work, Application to your life displayed. Showed true insight & thought. Showed true effort and originality. 13.0 to >12.0 pts Very Good Showed you really thought about the questions. Some original and inspired 12.0 to >11.0 pts Good Showed you thought about the questions. A few supported 11.0 to >10.0 pts Above Average Showed you thought about the questions. A few supported. 10.0 to >9.0 pts Average Questions answered, but not in depth. Lack of insight and depth. 9.0 to >7.0 pts Lowest passing Questions unanswered. Answers brief and non -supported 7.0 to >5.0 pts Needs Improvement Some questions unanswered. Lack of depth and understanding 5.0 to >0.0 pts Poor Many questions unanswered. 0.0 pts None None or Plagiarism 15.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Source & Grammar 5.0 pts Superior No grammatical or spelling errors. All sources properly cited. 4.0 pts Excellent No serious grammatical or spelling errors. All sources properly cited. 3.0 pts Average Few serious grammatical or spelling errors. All sources properly cited 2.0 pts Lowest Passing Many serious grammatical or spelling errors. All sources properly cited 1.0 pts Poor Serious grammatical or spelling errors. All sources properly cited 0.0 pts None None or Plagiarism 5.0 pts Total Points: 20.0–b&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare–b&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare