Am I distinct from my body in the ways Descartes claimed?
Undergraduate 2nd class You may need to introduce nuances into your final conclusion, using phrases like ‘Yes, so long as…’. The question asks you to interpret the claim (that I am distinct from my body) as Descartes did. So you will need to demonstrate understanding of Descartes’ ideas in this area, and in particular of his dualism. One point worth remembering is that, for Descartes, ‘I’ (‘me’, ‘myself’) refers to the same thing as his mind, or the thinking thing that he takes himself to be. But as well as interpreting Descartes’ claim, and presenting his arguments for it, you will need to evaluate the claim and these arguments. These are discussed in the study material listed below.” First attachment: Chapter 1 (pp. 1–38) (Reference it as open university) Attachment 2&3 are audio recordings so reference them as (audio 1/2) MOST IMPORTANTLY use these extracts: ‘New Foundations for Knowledge’, Rene Descartes- Meditations ‘The Incorporeal Mind, Rene Descartes- Meditations